William Edwards Deming (October 14, 1900–December 20, 1993) was an American statistician, college professor, author, lecturer, and consultant. Deming is widely credited with improving production in the United States during World War II, although he is perhaps best known for his work in Japan. There, from 1950 onward he taught top management how to improve design (and thus service), product quality, testing and sales (the last through global markets)[1]analysis of variance (ANOVA) and hypothesis testing. Deming made a significant contribution to Japan becoming renowned for producing innovative high-quality products and becoming an economic power. He's regarded as having had more impact upon Japanese manufacturing and business[2] through various methods, including the application of statistical methods such as than any other individual not of Japanese heritage. Despite being considered something of a hero in Japan, he was only beginning to win widespread recognition in the U.S. when he died.
Here's artifact #1 of my proven track record in member generated quality fan content...
Wow, this is excellent Ben. This would make my business grow like a weed. I'd buy it in a heartbeat.
Million Dollar Mike
Deming rocks!
Dave Navarro
I would buy that for a dollar... maybe more!
If you ever said, "I'm misunderstood", I would reply by saying, "That is an understatement."
Would anyone understand?
Brian T. Edmondson
Excellent point, Ben! Many could benefit from studying Deming's System Of Profound Knowledge, as well as his 14 Points For Management. Ford certainly did, and look where they are today!
Jessalynn Coolbaugh
The transformation is everybody's job.
Deming shows the way.
I'd trade my 2 copies of TTPA and some cash for it.
Love to all.
Steve Markowski
If ever there's a time for Deming to be revisited in the landscape of business this is it.
I would be interested enough to purchase a copy or two.
In the tradition of Kaizen and Anthony Robbins CANI, this will be a relevant work to make my business more profitable.
Mark Horn
Write the book, send me the manuscript. I dont mind what you have to do to get it out, but get it out now!
Ben, I can hardly wait. WHEN WILL IT BE READY?
Ray Edwards, Copywriter
Your timing couldn't be better Ben, I just started to study these types of statistics. Imagine what kind of an impact COULD be done on poverty if we could get more behind this!
Frank Sousa
This is awesome! I'll grab a copy for sure =)
Simon Leung
Definitely a book that I'd get and read multiple times.
If Ben's going to write a book on this subject, I'm going to buy it and read it. Mr. Demming and Mr. Mack are both heroes of mine.
In many ways, Demming is the reason why I resigned from my last job; the execs just didn't get the significance of managed quality initiatives. I specifically cited Demming in presentations re: process and systems to senior management on a number of occasions - to deaf ears. it was all downhill from there.
Everything you write is gold, I can't wait for the next book.
The sooner the better, the lack of good reading is growing daily.
I remember the Japanese bubble economy and then later, the magical thinking engendered by the .com bubble economy. I'm looking forward to reading your book. you provide a clear voice of rationality in what so often is a fog of magical thinking.
Very interesting ideas!
Hey Ben,
You got a buyer here!
Joe Lavery
Hey Ben,
Sounds like another interesting person that you have the knack for digging up and boiling down their key philosophies. Looking forward to reading it!
Heather Vale
Deming Who?
Just kidding! Ben - I agree it's time to introduce Deming's brilliant work to a whole new generation!
I have two reasons to say Ben Mack thanks to write and to allow me to buy your called book “What would Deming said?” and these are: first, that offers to me to know in detail the William Deming life and work, North American outstanding (1900-1993), that - among others, in the 50' s contributes a new concept of management administration in the Japan companies, that from its theory of systems proposes to know and to control the quality of the elements that form the system - suppliers, producers and consumers, through measuring its variations by means of statistical samplings on each element of the system. On the other hand, Deming also proposes that the managers of the companies have a deep knowledge and understanding of the human nature in which the company is centered in working to totally satisfy the clients necessities instead of fixing as it puts the single brightness of his directors. Deming work is effective today in the economy of the companies at international level. Second, Ben Mack with its valuable work of investigation and pleasant writing not only have flattered to me to know Deming, since between lines - of simultaneous way, also it teaches to me to know and to admire the laborious dedication of Ben Mack to construct and to offer this exemplary image of William Deming. Ben, thanks again for your valued work.
Yes, I am interested in learning about this remarkable indiviual.
Count me in.
Hey Ben this is your friend Deremiah *CPE,
and I've been up since 3:00AM talking to the Amazing Kevin Nations master minding our futures. I hope you're having a great day and I noticed this question out there for over 24 hours with no answer so I'm going to jump right on it.
I've read thousands of books and most of the information I learned about Deming I extracted from the Encyclopaedia Britannica Library back when I worked for them.
Deming is a phenomenal subject in his own right and very few books have been written on him. So to your question "WILL YOU HELP ME OUT?" the answer is undenialbly YES! And anyone who wouldn't want to help you accompish this task aren't clear on the impact that Deming has brought to our world.
One of the major problems with most American businesses is that they are being poorly managed. The ---Good NEWS--- is that Deming brings simple solutions. Solutions that I can tell you right now in many hierarchical circles is a bit intimidating because a great deal of businesses are still operating in the FEAR paradigm...and fear paralyzes it doesn't FREE people up to do what they are gifted to do.
So again I say yes I'll help. Marshall Thurber if Deming is your hero get on it and bring us some truly authentic and powerfully new information about him.
Deming is one of my heros too but it appears that here in America most people have only heard about Deming via word of mouth and very few people ---really KNOW--- of his personal work...so my suggestion to you Ben is the following.
* You need to take up a serious grass roots campaign and get on the phone and spend at least a few days talking to people about all across the country.
* Next make your questions more ---CUSTOMER SERVING--- than self serving. Where is the *WIFM in your questions. *What's In It For Me...that's what your online customers really want to hear.
* Next what would our friend Jay Abraham do with this question?... or if another favorite Ben of mine, Benjamin Franklin were alive how would he raise an interest in a dead man's resurrection? and finally how are you making your online LinkedIN customers into Clients and bringing them AUTHENTIC extra added value with a post like this?...one that brings them unique value and makes them say I'll HELP YOU BEN because I see the ---Real Value--- in helping you with this?
BONUS: The Law of the "Servant's Mentality" teaches that the premise of all good effects is the result of being a Simple Servant to everyone you meet. So how are you really serving the LinkedIn customers here in such a way that if they chose to walk away from helping you today with this project they'd literally be ---Emotionally Kicking Themselves--- because in the back of their mind it would be just down right foolish not to help?
BONUS BONUS: As I've said above I'm a reader so I'd like to offer you some advice Read the book on "Thinking Like Leonardo" by Michael J. Gelb & Donald Mitchell's "2000 Percent Squared Solution" because they'll bring you ---Colossal Results--- if you're into learning by observation, application and meditation.
THINK====> about it First and if you'd like to talk more about how I can really truly help you shoot me an email at deremiahcpe@gmail.com . You've got a great idea Ben but it's going to take more than the question you have above to bring you the kind of results you're expecting to get. REMEMBER... our only real problem in life is our failure to be "MORE Creative" than we’ve ever been. If you “Invent” your opportunity YOU WILL most definitely create your future. I'm only an email away from you if you need further guidance, direction or you'd just like to talk more about it. You see I love it when my customers are happy. Are you happy yet? Is this information helping you? Is there anything else I can do for you?
Your Servant,
Lovingly Deremiah *CPE (Customer Passion Evangelist)
Private Note:
Hi Ben this is your servant Deremiah *CPE,
let me know what I can do for you beyond this? If there is any way I can help please let me know.
Your Servant,
I would buy this.
You have no idea how excited I am that I finally see where social networking stemmed from. It's refreshing to know that I'm a "Network Scientist" who specializes in social networking!!
Thanks for the info Ben!
Theo Baskind
Sounds interesting. I look forward to reading more about Deming. Keep up the good work
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I think it's great that you want to write about what Deming would say.
I'm not sure which interests me more: what Deming would say, or what Ben Mack would say about what Deming would say. ;)
Either way, that's a book I'd need to read.
Lou D'Alo
Thank you for asking. I loved your first book and all that you are doing in the world. I follow you and Joe Vitale always. If you produce a book on Marshall Thurber or any other book, I will be the first to buy it. I would love to know more about Marshall and his business philosophies and systems. What a great opportunity for me to be able to have your opinion and thoughts on this great leader.
Your fan,
Catherine Franz
"Let's Talk Marketing" Radio Show
What would Deming do, indeed.
How does the total quality movement apply to an information, not manufacturing, based economy? Further...
If Edison said, "there is no substitute for hard work" shortly before the economy moved to an industrial one... and
Demings said, "there is no substitute for knowledge" shortly before the economy moved to an information one... then
What does MACK say there is no substitute for now?
This is a great idea -- and Ben Mack should know!
Keep us posted -- this is a book that should get published.
Brad Fallon
Howard Bloom discusses William Denning.
Chapter 1 of 'Teaching as a Subversive Activity' by Neil Postman and Charles Weingartner is titled "Crap Detecting."
In this project I shall use the words "crap" and "stupidity" as more or less interchangeable.
To the extent that we develop and improve our own personal crap detectors, we gain
in our ability to abolish more and more
of our own personal stupidities, thus increasing our intelligence.
My intention is to gather together a group of people who assist each other in
abolishing stupidity and increasing intelligence.
Maybe if each of us could spend some time every week, hopefully an hour or more, on
abolishing our personal stupidities and helping others in the group do the same,
we would make some significant progress toward greater intelligence.
" School is the advertising agency which makes you believe that you need the society as it is. "
--Ivan Illich in "Deschooling Society" 1970
Ben, You've got an amazing mind, man! Truly fascinating!
Josh Waitzkin
Thanks for all the Fish
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