Sunday, August 19, 2007

23rd Draft

On August 23rd we do the
Be The Legend Webinar with
Ken McArthur
during the intros, Ken and I announce
we're launching a product together
in a month.


Be The Legend program is about selling
the next JV Alert


On September 23rd we begin the 6-in-7
product launch formula for Magick Lessons.

Ben & Dave report live from the field
about going to meet a spoon bender

we're on a quest for Real Magick


to be revealed...

The Academy of Magickal Arts

Magick Lessons
by Ben Mack & Rachna Jain
$2300 eBook
(hire Rachna Jain to create
Rachna gets credit for having
written a $997 eBook)

$23 quest-drive

doors open September 30


need 7-day media plan here
Scott Paton to draft

Emotional tone: Quest, Heros journey, Escape to With Mountain, ASSUMPTIVE
Rational Benefit: Magick Lessons is the one BREAKTHROUGH academy of distance learning that teaches real magick to muggles.

Around October 1st...

BONUS VIDEO ARRIVES of Ben & Dave going to a Spoon Bending professional
with the "How to make a sellable product in 72 hours or less"
(each buyer has the resale rights to this video)


October 2nd classes begin
1) Basic Spells & Spoon Bending
Ben is a non-believer. He doesn't
believe people really bend spoons
with their mind. Nor does Dave Lakhani,
but they both respect the power of The Force.

Thursday call Synergy
Friday call Business Alchemy with Jeffrey Edwards.
Saturday call Your First Journey
Sunday call Q&A

Around October 6th...


October 9th class resumes

2) Protection from the Dark Arts
If you don't know who Edward Bernays is then you aren't familiar with
the most powerful magickian of the 20th Century. Some argue Hitler
was the most powerful of the Dark Lords, others argue Carl Rove but
in this special report you will see that Edwards Bernays is Lord Voldermont.

Thursday call Fire & Brimstone with a famous preacher, then analysis w/DL
Friday call Positioning by Ben Mack & Dave Lakhani

OCTOBER 11TH --> 10-day trial ends here <--

Saturday call Edward Bernays & The Seven Deadly Spins


Sunday call Workbook construction with Rachna Jain

Around October 15th...


October 16th class resumes

3) Levitations

Thursday call Modeling
Friday call How to sell enlightenment
Saturday call Backwards engineering the breakthrough...
The 7 Habbits of Highly Effective People by Stephen J. Covey
Sunday call In what ways are you creative
bonus expert call "How to make a Guru with Morgann Bryant, Ben's mom

October 23rd class resumes

4) Astral Projection & Flight

Thursday call The Light At The End of the Funnel
Friday call My First Funnel with Tellman Knudson
Saturday call Applied Propaganda
Sunday call Completion rituals with Joseph Longshore III
you get the DVDs of Think Two Sales Ahead, if you ordered them


OCTOBER 30th Halloween Show
stars TBD, we sell the package with
participants as the affiliates where
they drive people to the call through
their affiliate link



Landing page graphics swiped
swiped from The Ma.gic Castle
be prepared for Cease and disist
order (have press release ready
and revised landing page pimping
the publicity)

plan on having more of what we have
to plan

Sunday, August 12, 2007

this was the RPI business plan

My background in consumer research and advertising has taught me how commercial enterprises propagate their ideas. More importantly, I’ve learned language and methodologies that allow me to analyze and model communication objectives and measure the efficacy of their tactics. I would like to apply this experience to an understanding of best-practices for counter-commercial ideas.

I’m fascinated by the survival tactics of counter commercial ideas.

How does a challenging idea make it through a gatekeeper? What are the common conditions for an increased incidence of challenging ideas to pass through gatekeepers? How does an idea gain support and broad consideration?

I’m curious to what extent historical analyses retain relevance with personal publishing and the Internet.

Personal publishing is accelerating specialized communications. A study of brand subversion will require the creation of a taxonomy differentiating personally published Brand Parodies from old-school phrases like Brand Vandalizing and Billboard Appropriation.

The Internet has facilitated communities and instantaneous communications, diminishing a perceived need for physical gathering spaces to forward ideas. However, relying on the Internet as the primary dissemination for counter-cultural ideas may exclude a broader audience and hinder the objectives of social activists.

Professionally, I hope to further this investigation and articulate my findings in usable ways. Counter-commercial mass media is often heavy on criticism and light on actionable ideas that are expected to have substantive or sustainable results. In business, case studies of best practices are commonplace and easily accessible to the masses. Social activism and business are quickly becoming allies on many ecological issues and these are beginning to become well documented. There are fewer case studies on transformative social activism and its messaging, and even fewer that are easily found or readable by a lay audience.

remember searching for Bobby Fisher?

if you liked...

then you'll want to go deeper

and even deeper if you dare...