Sunday, September 30, 2007

What business are you in?

we need to start with the most basic question...
What business are you in? In order for me to coach you, you have to tell me what you're looking at...

Friday, September 28, 2007

What would Deming Say?

William Edwards Deming (October 14, 1900December 20, 1993) was an American statistician, college professor, author, lecturer, and consultant. Deming is widely credited with improving production in the United States during World War II, although he is perhaps best known for his work in Japan. There, from 1950 onward he taught top management how to improve design (and thus service), product quality, testing and sales (the last through global markets)[1]analysis of variance (ANOVA) and hypothesis testing. Deming made a significant contribution to Japan becoming renowned for producing innovative high-quality products and becoming an economic power. He's regarded as having had more impact upon Japanese manufacturing and business[2] through various methods, including the application of statistical methods such as than any other individual not of Japanese heritage. Despite being considered something of a hero in Japan, he was only beginning to win widespread recognition in the U.S. when he died.

Here's artifact #1 of my proven track record in member generated quality fan content...

we raised money for animals...

I'd like you to raise money for GENI.

Last book like this we raised money for The Bill Hicks Foundation For Wildlife.

please click on the phrase "Google Alerts" and set yourself up with appropriate alerts for Deming. May I help?

I'm not the warm fuzzy coach. I'm the you are going to get it done kind of branding consultant because I'm too tired of seeing my clients not achieve their goals.

the famous Bucky Challenge Arthur Ad...

Despite what others say, this is my master work so far...

Influence by Robert B. Cialdini, Ph. D.


For those seeking to create and sustain practical change... Applied influence is a must. Scientific evidence now exists on how, when, and why people say yes. That's really what we're seeking, right? We want more yeses in our lives.

Cialdini's six universal principles of influence...

1) Reciprocation:. Give before you ask to receive.

People are more compliant with requests from those who have given something, anything, even the gesture of a gift. For example, American Disabled Veterans organization, mailed out a donations request to its list with an 18% success rate; and, when they split tested with "personalized" address stickers--they nearly doubled their success rate to 35%

2) Commitment/Consistency:. Get them to state their behavior.

Are you the type of person who likes to own the best books on effectiveness? If you say yes to me and then 5 minutes later I ask you to buy Cialdini's book, you are more likely to say yes then if I just tried to sell you his book without asking about what you are like.

3) Authority:. Tell people what to do.

You should buy Cialdini's books at the links below. To watch how I elicit an audience to tell me I'm "damn amazing" please click here to watch.

4) Social Validation:. Tell people "everybody else else isdoing it".

Especially when everybody else includes authority figures, or members of their tribe. For example, door to door collecting for charities while carrying a list of neighbors who had contributed, ==> The longer the list, the higher the incidence of contribution.

5) Scarcity:. Tell them supplies are running out.

Bad weather conditions in Australia, reported to create a shortage of Australian beef, actually doubled the regular demand. People want what they can't have. And, many like to brag they have what is difficult to get.

6) Liking/Friendship:. Be friendly.

People prefer to buy from those they know, like and trust.

Robert B. Cialdini professes Psychology at Arizona State University. His books have been published in at least twelve languages.

Get yours now!

This next book is less expensive than most home-study courses...

Supplies are running out!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

...once you..._ _ _ . _ _...your body will follo...

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Finnegans Wake. Now, please...

i c u. I see you.


4, 2b, c. 0, icu

hi, again

Thank you for shopping by.
Your attention is APPRECIATED.

I'm just about to put on some
Twilight Tea.

it all started with a FULL PAGE AD

This isn't the famous Bucky Challenge ad.

you old onceler...

Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not.
Dr. Seuss, The Lorax
US author & illustrator (1904 - 1991)
Now, i don't know how to tell you this... but....

you know this, right?

Allow me to clarify...

It's about a girl.

My name is Howard W. Campbell, III.

I grew-up in L.A...

I'm better now.
Thank you for asking.

I'm a magician.

Here's the deal...
I've had seven heart attacks,
all imagined.

I was deeply unhappy
but I didn't know it,
cause I was happy all
the time.

I never figured out the riddle...
"How Daddy is doing."

It's a riddle too tough for me?
- I know it.
"Sing Doo Wah Diddy?"

That's the mystery
of the ages!?


I sat up nights
working on that. But I forgive you.There's one thing I need to know.Did you do this?
Did I do this? How did this happen?

There are only two things
in my life I will never forget...

One is that
there is someone for everyone.

Even if you need a pickax, a compass,
and night goggles to find them.

And the other...
is tonight, when I learned
that romance does exist
deep in the heart of L.A.

Thank you and good night.
I'll be here all week.

There she was just a-walkin down the street...

Singin, do-wah diddy-diddy down diddy-do

Snappin her fingers and shufflin her feet,

Singin, do-wah diddy-diddy down diddy-do
She looked good, looked good
She looked fine, looked fine
She looked good, she looked fine
And I nearly lost my mind

Before I knew it she was walkin next to me.
Singin, do-wah diddy-diddy down diddy-do
Holdin my hand just as natural as can be,
Singin, do-wah diddy-diddy down diddy-do
We walked on, walked on
To my door, my door
We walked on to my door,
Then we kissed a little more

Wo-o-o-oh, I knew we were falling in love, Yes I did, and so I told her all the things That Id been dreamin of Now were toget her nearly every single day, Singin, do-wah diddy-diddy down diddy-do Were so happy and that how were gonna stay, Singin, do-wah diddy-diddy down diddy-do Im hers, Im hers Shes mine, shes mine Im hers, shes mine, Wedding bells are gonna chime

Wo-o-o-oh, I knew we were falling in love,Yes I did, and so I told her all the things That Id been dreamin of

Now were togther nearly every single day Singin, do-wah diddy-diddy down diddy-do Were so happy and that how were gonna stay
Singin, do-wah diddy-diddy down diddy-do Im hers, Im hers Shes mine, shes mine Im hers, shes mine, Wedding bells are gonna chime

Singin, do-wah diddy-diddy down diddy-do Do-wah diddy-diddy down diddy-do Do-wah diddy-diddy down diddy-do

How Daddy is doing...

thank you, I'll be here all week.

Once again, I was watching the fucking news, and it really threw me off. It depressed everyone, it's so scary watching the news, how they built it all out of proportion, like Iraq was ever, or could ever possibly, under any stretch of the imagination be a threat to us-whatsoever. But-watching the news, you never would have got that idea.

Remember how it started,
they kept talking about 'the Elite Republican Guard'
in these hushed tones like these guys were the bogeymen or something. Yeah, we're doing well now, but we have yet to face-THE ELITE REPUBLICAN GUARD. Like these guys were twelve feet tall, desert warriors. KRRASH. NEVER LOST A BATTLE! KRRASH. WE SHIT BULLETS! Yeah, well, after two months of continuous carpet bombings
and not one reaction at all from them, they became simply, 'the Republican Guard.' Not nearly as elite as we may have led you to believe. And after another month of bombing, they went from 'the Elite Republican Guard' to 'the Republican Guard' to 'the Republicans made this shit up about there being guards out there'. We hope you enjoyed your fireworks show. It was so pretty, and it took our mind off of domestic issues! The Persian Gulf Distraction.

This was made over 10 years ago, and it is still relevant today.

the prisoner's dilemma...

"Don't make the mainstream wrong."
--Marshall Thurber

"They say I'm old-fashioned, and live in the past, but sometimes I think progress progresses too fast! ... They say I'm a fool to oppose things like these, but I'm going to continue to speak for the trees!"
--The Lorax

"The majority of men meet with failure because of their lack of persistence in creating new plans to take the place of those which fail."
--Napoleon Hill

"We are in an age that assumes the narrowing trends of specialization to be logical, natural, and desirable. Consequently, society expects all earnestly responsible communication to be crisply brief. . . . In the meantime, humanity has been deprived of comprehensive understanding. Specialization has bred feelings of isolation, futility, and confusion in individuals. It has also resulted in the individual's leaving responsibility for thinking and social action to others. Specialization breeds biases that ultimately aggregate as international and ideological discord, which, in turn, leads to war."
--R. Buckminster Fuller

Monday, September 24, 2007


"How can you attract diversity when you expect people to be like you?" --Masrhall Thurber

FERTS... Marshall's theory for cultural adoption

FRINGE migrates into EDGE migrates into REALM OF THE COOL migrates into THE NEXT BIG THING migrates into SOCIAL CONVENTION.

now monetize.

you can't get what you don't get...

your goal is money,

you need a teacher
who makes sense to

where you can hear
their ideas and know
how to make money

however, you may need to pay for access... especially if you don't have a working selling-system of your own.


when you teach somebody...
what are you really teaching

you need a legend platform

you need a media plan

Congratulations, you're in show business.

this is what i do for a living

i construct beautiful intellectual tent shows

the theater of the mind

i do custom framing...

may i suggest trying on Prometheus in order to reach a broader audience?

we have alot of bright and creative people...

...on our side.

i wanted to be heard above the

“Whoever gets the media first, and holds it, wins.”
--Kurt Vonnegut

i replied to an ad that said...

Must have an earnest desire to save the world. Apply in person.


“The fundamental components of ideas act just like genes, competing for brain space the same way organisms vie for breathing space…Memetics promises marketers a more scientific way to reach consumers.”
-John Hoult
Fast Company
July 2000

i've had great mentors

I've put in so many enigmas and puzzles that it will keep the professors busy for centuries arguing over what I meant, and that's the only way of insuring one's immortality.
--James Joyce

are you along for the ride...

Free Association:
Bill "Che" Hicks On Revolutionary Comedy

==> click the above link please.

“A poet is a beggar with pride.”
--Idries Shaw

“An Artist is a poet with a business plan.”
--Ben Mack

Because of the circumstances in which I traveled, first as an art student and later as an ad man, I came into close contact with corporations, mass media, and advertising of all sorts. I watched friends from art school succeeded and floundered.

I began to realize that there were things that were almost as important to me as becoming a famous writer or making a significant contribution to advertising: I wanted to be of service.

How does one actually carry out a work of social service? How can I unite my endeavors with the needs of society?

First, I wanted to ensure I wasn’t a drain on society. From a modicum of success in advertising I knew that money wouldn’t buy me happiness. From a lack of success in art I knew that poverty didn’t provide me with happiness either.

I wanted to shed my fear and live in light. I came to the realization that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. We have a choice, right now, between fear and love.

The proponents of fear want you to put bigger locks on your doors and buy guns, close yourself off; the warriors of love, instead, see all of us as one. As one, there is no such thing as death, and life is a lucid dream in which we play the imaginations of ourselves.

Loving for no reason is a revolutionary act. That’s what I get when I read Jesus, to love for the sake of loving because love is metaphysical gravity. If as a society we ever organize ourselves around love we will live in a profoundly different world.

For this task of organization, as for all revolutionary tasks, fundamentally it is the individual who is needed. The revolution does not, as some claim, standardize the collective will and the collective initiative. On the contrary, it liberates one's individual talent. What the revolution does is orient that talent. And our task now is to orient the creative abilities of all entertainment professionals toward the tasks of social welfare.

We must begin to erase our old concepts. We should not go to the people and say, `Here we are. We come to give you the wisdom of our presence, to teach you our science, to show you your errors, your lack of culture, your ignorance of elementary things.' We should go instead with an inquiring mind and a humble spirit. However, we should never be so humble as to tolerate their intolerance. Instead, we should hold them accountable, truly accountable to what they say they stand for. In many instances in America, this is the words of Jesus. If that be their choice, then ask them to demonstrate these words in action. If there choice be otherwise, let them demonstrate the good in those words.

Later we will realize many times how mistaken we were in concepts that were so familiar they became part of us and were an automatic part of our thinking. Often we need to change our concepts, not only the general concepts, the social or philosophical ones, but also sometimes our concepts of entertainment and attention economy.

We shall see that ignorance should not be treated as it is in big-city schools. We shall see that the educator has to be a farmer also and plant new ideas and sow, by example, the desire to consume new notions, to diversify the nutritional structure which is so limited, so poor.

If we intend to make creative work a daily, dynamic source of all our happiness, then we have goals towards which to work.

I think one of the saddest aspects of our time is the total destruction in peoples’ awareness of all that goes with a conscious sense of the beautiful.

Modern mass culture, aimed at the 'consumer', a civilization of prosthetics, is crippling people’s souls, setting up barriers between man and the crucial questions of his existence, his consciousness of himself as a spiritual being."

But the artist cannot be deaf to the call of truth; it alone defines his creative will, organizes it, thus enabling him to pass on his faith to others. An artist who has no faith is like a painter who has been born blind.

The greatest truth I’ve met in this universe is sustainability. Just about every artist I know dreams of being wealthy. Many business people I meet dream of being artists.

I dream of being happy. Many of my daydreams have lasted me weeks at a time.
Here’s to dreaming. Thank you for playing along in my dream. We become the stories we tell ourselves. Let’s help each other tell ourselves better stories.

Ben Mack

I had a dream Bill Hicks was my teacher...

Irresponsibility is part of the pleasure of all art; it is the part the schools cannot recognize.
James Joyce

please... bare in mind

In 2004, 99.9% of complaints about TV, other than the Super Bowl, came from one source--Meidaweek December, 2004

”The truth is, the majority of people are very reasonable. They don’t write letters when something offends them on TV. ‘Cause reasonable people know that IT’S JUST FUCKIN’ TELEVISION! And not only that, reasonable people HAVE A LIFE!”–Bill Hicks 1993

Bill Hicks
Happy 43rd Birthday

December 16, 1961, Bill Hicks was born; His words live on.

“It's a bit like John Lennon, it's like someone who, just when it looked like they were happiest and a slower, more productive creative period was about to happen, gee, the whole thing just went away.”--Jay Leno

“It's like God called his child home and told him to come on in, it's time to play, you can have the best time, you can be who you want to be, right here and now, forever. There's no censorship in heaven.”-- Thea Vidale

“Bill had a lack of concern. He wasn't concerned with what the audience thought, who would boo him, he wasn't concerned with how it would affect his business, he just said what he wanted to say.”-- Allan Havey

Cyclical Change vs. Structural Change

I blew through this mentor...

humble? I'd be proud of that.

the medium is the message

Content vs. Context

How instead of why...

"How did that happen..."
"Why did that happen..."


Emotional content

a fluid pattern integrity is...

statically indeterminant

Communication is the response i get...

I'm communicating...
stay away, don't speak literally
among other warm sentiments
love and distance

Marshall, you are a great student of...

...the Great Common-Denominator.

For Network Science, the GREAT common denominator is people

Management = Prediction

If you can predict with accuracy you must have a pretty good theory.
--Marshall Thurber

By what method?
Perhaps, you simply have the system rigged.
--Ben Mack

Monday, September 17, 2007

Network Science & Memetics

Network Science is a profound idea that I am honored to serve. Please let me know how I may best be of service.

In Savage Girl, Alex depicts a branding scheme called "Paradessence" where you identify the product's inherent paradox. This is very similar to ideas you were expressing around DyVal, however, this is an unusual source because it is a Science Fiction novel with a bizarre volcanic surprise, and the marketing material is spot on!

While Devil's Playground is largely about Amish teens choosing or not choosing to comeinto the church, you expressed interest in the role of women in maintaining a culture, and this DVD explains that very well with young women discussing how there are different expectations of them...

This next media is on memetics. The benefit of this book is understanding how groups of people use different languages while at different phases of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs and also details how Maslow said the shape is not a closed-ended pyramid...

Please let me know how else I may help.

With gratitude,
