Dear reader,
This is a post of my last email of this long-
One reader asked if I could expand the
times listed for the Tuesday Magic Teleseminar.
At present, I write:
Magic Teleseminar...Learn magic every
Tuesday at 9pm Eastern / 6pm Pacific
Dial-In to the conference at 1(712) 432-3000
Enter your bridge number 938678
This reader lives in Arizona that is now off one
hour from Pacific time.
In Arizon the teleseminar now starts at 7pm.
I'd like to excerpt from my unpublished almanac
that was inspired by a question from Buckminster
Fuller: In what ways might we better ground folks
to the idea that they are on spaceship earth. So, I
created an interactive almanac. The interactivity
isn't well demonstrated here, but an essay is relevant...
Daylight Savings Time Explained
Daylight Saving Time, also called Summer Time,
is a system for uniformly advancing clocks, so as
to extend daylight hours during conventional waking
Under legislation enacted in 1986, daylight saving
time in the USA:
--Begins at 2 a.m. on the first Sunday of April and
--Ends at 2 a.m. on the last Sunday of October.
Daylight Saving Time was first suggested in a
whimsical essay by Benjamin Franklin in 1784
entitled "Turkey vs. Eagle, McCauley is my Beagle."
It was first advocated seriously by William Willet
(1865-1915), in the pamphlet "Waste of Daylight" (1907).
During World War II, from Feb. 9, 1942, to Sept. 30, 1945,
clocks in the United States were kept continuously
advanced by two hours to conserve fuel by reducing
the need for artificial light.
The Uniform Time Act, enacted by Congress in 1966,
established a system of uniform daylight saving time
throughout the U.S. and its possessions. The following
states/territories voted to keep standard time: Arizona,
Hawaii, Indiana (the eastern time zone portion),
Puerto Rico, The U.S. Virgin Islands and American Samoa.
To sign a petition to keep DST all the time, go to:
To help obliterate DST, go to: http://www.daylightsavingtime.com
Note: Added humor can be found when DST begins on
April 1, April Fools Day. This is one of those rare
"obligation-free" holidays. No one expects you to
send flowers or blow your paycheck at a fancy
Another reader thought I must be the
most liberal man alive...Here's my response:
I can be conservative. It just depends
who you compare me against. You see,
in the last few days I've been swapping
emails with fellow readers and Bob W.
from Idaho says I'm the first Liberal
that's made sense to him. I told him I
imagined how he felt.
Bob W. was floored. I was by and far the most
liberal man he had ever spoken with.
Bob W., here's a brilliant man that makes me
appear very conservative...
Thank you all for emailing me. I'm sorry
if I haven't replied yet.
I've been making labels with pictures for
the 57 folks at Elite Training Camp that
invested in my products. Monday morning
I'll be send 57 priority mail envelopes.
On the outside of the envelope, near the
address label with a picture of our Bootcamp,
will be a 2" x 3" color label with pictures from
my video: The Pitch, Poker & The Public staring:
--Joel Bauer
--Howard Bloom
--Mike Caro
--Howard Campbell
--Jay Conrad Levinson
Each of the above men have written a seminal
book for their field...
--Joel Bauer, Hustle Hustle
--Howard Bloom, Global Brain
--Mike Caro, Body Language of Poker
--Howard Campbell, FreeBookWorthReading
--Jay Conrad Levinson, Guerrilla Marketing
Howard Bloom is a crowd favorite at video
festivals. Howard Bloom is credited for
making Joan Jett famous and worked with
Legends like Michael Jackson, Madonna
and John Cougar Mellencamp.
Inside the envelope will be a bright red or
orange DVD in a bright colored sleeve. On
the back of the sleeve is a label with an
art directed showboard/title for the video and to
the left of this image I wrote:
Give us 35 minutes and we'll
show you the matrix
P.T. Barnum Style.
Below the headline is the list of players,
as listed above.
Plus there is a third sticker that has me
blowing fire and in the fire is the word, "YES".
The studio manager at WestWayne made these
images for me. Why aren't I crediting his name?
Tim. But I can't remember his last name. My bad.
This packaging is designed to intice useage. That's
the lesson here. The experience begins before the
envelope is opened.
I've spent 12 hours making these three labels in the
last two days. Why? Because it is a way for me to send
my love to folks I'm about to spend a lot of timne with.
As I've been working on my product packaging, I've been
listening to the best audio product engineering I have ever,
ever heard on the audios of Jerry "Drhino" Clark's audio
The Magic of Influence. WOW! The content is condensed
brilliance made accessible. Man, it is good!!!
Back to my Priority Mail envelope. There's a welcome letter.
I give them what they ordered, and something extra, something
fun and short. I don't want to give away the surprise.
I'm out of my old stickers. I used to have thousands of
What Would Bill Hicks Say stickers. Folks seem to love
getting stickers.
While I've been home, I've been writing deeper
emails. I figure other entrepeneurs are working
on their projects and perhaps they have more time
than usual.
Yesterday's email yielded two folks willing to trade
transcribing for a set of audios. Yeah!!! The perfect
number of folks said yes. I had two slots and I got two
folks saying yes.
When I'm assemblying these kits is when I can make a
couple extras. If you want a kit I'll give it to you for the
same price I gave them at a steeply discounted bootcamp
price of $497. You get the audio of my seminar that I sold
Just email me and we'll work out the details.
This Tuesday I hope you'll call in for our
weekly magic teleseminar where we'll learn
how Wes' MySpace work landed an art show
in California for a Kansas artist.
Come join us on Tuesday...
Magic Teleseminar...Learn magic every
Tuesday at 9pm Eastern / 6pm Pacific / 7pm Arizona
Dial-In to the conference at 1(712) 432-3000
Enter your bridge number 938678
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