, i know you don't like spam
I'll only send this email out once.
I'm pimping my roommate's recent
interview here at this link I want you
to click...
Wes Unruh interview on NLP and
Meta Magickal Themas
-> end <-
You've received an email that has
begun something like this with 68
people in the subject line.
Please reply to them with these
two points:
1) Don't put 68 people in your To: line
--> for security purposes, your friends
may not want to be associated with me
2) Quit shaming yourself
Most people are ashamed of selling.
May I suggest they ask themselves
what they are sending in this email?
are they promoting a friend that isn't
very good? i seriously don't get this
the tone is diminishing their effectiveness
If you are ashamed of what you are
selling please stop.
If you are promoting something healthy
then selling is self expression, sharing
why you are spreading the idea you are
"Hey, of all the crap that's out there...
this is pretty damn good or maybe even
I trust this this man (or woman) to
steer me right. That's real world
I'm Ben Mack. I help people learn
to make more money by better
understanding themselves and how
Cooperative Superselling works.
My primary business mentor is
Tellman Knudson.
I am active in 1 mastermind group
I'm a recovering advertising executive.
I was a corporate profiler. I know more
about the differences between Crest users,
those who brush their teeth with Crest, versus
Colgate users than is probably healthy.
I escaped Corporateland where I was
paid very well but I was miserable.
Truth is, I couldn't figure out how to
make myself happy within the games
that are played by the very successful
of that sport.
I was psychologically unemployable.
I admire many I left behind.
I see myself as a rhino.
I'm doing better now. Thank you for
8 months ago I invited the best online audio
artist i knew to come live with me while I went
to school and learned new media rhetoric
which i read as online persuasion... boy,
was i mistaken
The best online audio artist & producer
I know is Wes Unruh, aka Philip K. Nixon
Wes Unruh and I have been roommates
now for about 8 months and he's moving
in with his girlfriend, a brilliant media analyst
Shira Chess
Here is Wes' recent interview on NLP and
i'm moving to
Brattleboro, VT to live closer to my
mastermind partners.
Swipe file is where you copy and paste
from material that works... this isn't school
copy the best... but, don't be a dick. change it
up on them a tad so you are borrowing the
structure and not the words
1) Don't put 68 people in your To: line
--> for security purposes, your friends
may not want to be associated with me
or the communist party
2) Quit shaming yourself
please hesitate before you swipe
the above lines because you may
manifest more energy than you expected
by using the word "communist" and the
same goes for the word Propaganda
Edward Bernays, the author of "Propaganda,"
defined a practioner of the profession of
"counsel on public relations" as a "practicing
social scientist" whose "competence is like that
of the industrial engineer, the management engineer,
or the investment counselor in their respective fields."
He states that to assist clients, public relations
counselors use and apply their understanding of
behavioral sciences such as anthropology,
history, social psychology, and sociology.
In Propaganda, his most important book, Bernays
argued that the scientific manipulation of public
opinion was necessary to overcome chaos and conflict
in society:
The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the
organized habits and opinions of the masses is an
important element in democratic society. Those who
manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute
an invisible government which is the true ruling
power of our country. ...We are governed, our minds
are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested,
largely by men we have never heard of. This is a
logical result of the way in which our democratic
society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings
must cooperate in this manner if they are to live
together as a smoothly functioning society. ...In
almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the
sphere of politics or business, in our social
conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated
by the relatively small number of persons...who
understand the mental processes and social patterns
of the masses.
It is they who pull the wires which control the
public mind.
I'm pimping my roommate's recent
interview here at this link I want you
to click...
Wes Unruh interview on NLP and
Meta Magickal Themas
-> end <-
You've received an email that has
begun something like this with 68
people in the subject line.
Please reply to them with these
two points:
1) Don't put 68 people in your To: line
--> for security purposes, your friends
may not want to be associated with me
2) Quit shaming yourself
Most people are ashamed of selling.
May I suggest they ask themselves
what they are sending in this email?
are they promoting a friend that isn't
very good? i seriously don't get this
the tone is diminishing their effectiveness
If you are ashamed of what you are
selling please stop.
If you are promoting something healthy
then selling is self expression, sharing
why you are spreading the idea you are
"Hey, of all the crap that's out there...
this is pretty damn good or maybe even
I trust this this man (or woman) to
steer me right. That's real world
I'm Ben Mack. I help people learn
to make more money by better
understanding themselves and how
Cooperative Superselling works.
My primary business mentor is
Tellman Knudson.
I am active in 1 mastermind group
I'm a recovering advertising executive.
I was a corporate profiler. I know more
about the differences between Crest users,
those who brush their teeth with Crest, versus
Colgate users than is probably healthy.
I escaped Corporateland where I was
paid very well but I was miserable.
Truth is, I couldn't figure out how to
make myself happy within the games
that are played by the very successful
of that sport.
I was psychologically unemployable.
I admire many I left behind.
I see myself as a rhino.
I'm doing better now. Thank you for
8 months ago I invited the best online audio
artist i knew to come live with me while I went
to school and learned new media rhetoric
which i read as online persuasion... boy,
was i mistaken
The best online audio artist & producer
I know is Wes Unruh, aka Philip K. Nixon
Wes Unruh and I have been roommates
now for about 8 months and he's moving
in with his girlfriend, a brilliant media analyst
Shira Chess
Here is Wes' recent interview on NLP and
i'm moving to
Brattleboro, VT to live closer to my
mastermind partners.
Swipe file is where you copy and paste
from material that works... this isn't school
copy the best... but, don't be a dick. change it
up on them a tad so you are borrowing the
structure and not the words
1) Don't put 68 people in your To: line
--> for security purposes, your friends
may not want to be associated with me
or the communist party
2) Quit shaming yourself
please hesitate before you swipe
the above lines because you may
manifest more energy than you expected
by using the word "communist" and the
same goes for the word Propaganda
Edward Bernays, the author of "Propaganda,"
defined a practioner of the profession of
"counsel on public relations" as a "practicing
social scientist" whose "competence is like that
of the industrial engineer, the management engineer,
or the investment counselor in their respective fields."
He states that to assist clients, public relations
counselors use and apply their understanding of
behavioral sciences such as anthropology,
history, social psychology, and sociology.
In Propaganda, his most important book, Bernays
argued that the scientific manipulation of public
opinion was necessary to overcome chaos and conflict
in society:
The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the
organized habits and opinions of the masses is an
important element in democratic society. Those who
manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute
an invisible government which is the true ruling
power of our country. ...We are governed, our minds
are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested,
largely by men we have never heard of. This is a
logical result of the way in which our democratic
society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings
must cooperate in this manner if they are to live
together as a smoothly functioning society. ...In
almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the
sphere of politics or business, in our social
conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated
by the relatively small number of persons...who
understand the mental processes and social patterns
of the masses.
It is they who pull the wires which control the
public mind.